Here's Why & How It Works Photo by Zac Durant on Unsplash It’s very in vogue to talk about gratitude. Have you noticed? It’s kind of everywhere. People writing about it, talking about it, recording it in gratitude journals, texting in gratitude chains, creating memes about it and gathering around dinner tables to honor it. The truth is, being grateful has never been out of vogue. And, there’s a simple explanation for that. Because Gratitude Works The law of attraction is grounded in gratitude. When you express what you’re grateful for, in a powerfully energetic way, the universe conspires and moves to give you more of what you’re grateful for. It's the simplest form of 'what you focus on expands.' Lack and Gratitude are Polar Opposite Energies When you feel you’re lacking something, the moment you shift to a place of gratitude you’re no longer in lack. Even if it’s... Read more →
Here's a fresh take on what can be a debilitating force. Photo by Becca Matimba on Unsplash By Cindy Yantis "Focused attention yields the best results." - Melinda Hughes Melinda is my personal trainer and the owner of The Strength Shoppe, a high-intensity training (HIT) facility in Pasadena, California. And, this quote, from their website, exemplifies what most I've learned from training with her. HIT is a slow burn, really intense, focused workout where with each weightlifting exercise you exhaust an isolated muscle or group of muscles to a slow count of ten. It's also called Super Slow, Slow Cadence, Power of 10, or Resistance Training. It takes such focused concentration to get through a set of the slow ten. The tendency is to put all of your body behind trying to lift the weight. That's when Melinda says to direct your brain to focus on the specific body part... Read more →