Here's What it Means to Level Up
The Key to Unlocking the Door to Your Best Life

How to Be Free in Mind, Body & Spirit


I've been wondering what our beautiful bald eagle has been thinking lately. Does she worry about her home? Is she afraid for her loved ones? Does she know her species is endangered? Has she had to reframe her sense of freedom? It's been awhile since I've seen an eagle in person, but I recall how easily she took flight and soared, completely in charge of her own air. I imagined how she went about the business of being an eagle, creating the best world she knew how, protecting herself and her species, despite the downturn that continues to take place in her universe.

I can relate. It got me thinking, again, about our own micro-freedoms, and by this I'm taking about freedom of thought, freedom of body and freedom of spirit. To my way of thinking, nurturing these freedoms is the starting point, like putting on your own oxygen mask. 

I'm fascinated about this topic and know that these micro-freedoms lead to an opening, an allowing and a freer way of being.

To honor our micro-freedoms I feel inclined to share three pertinent posts to inspire you.

8 Ways to Re-Create Your American Dream -  George Carlin said, "It's called the American Dream 'cause you have to be asleep to believe it."  Funny irony, for which Mr. Carlin was the master. But, my mindset has changed around the whole concept of this shared national ideal. Or I should say former shared ideal.  Read more for 8 suggestions or areas to free yourself from the old to welcome your new. 


What is Your Personal Sense of Independence? - There’s much that we take for granted, living where we live in these great and complicated United States. The freedom to do so certainly started with our forward-thinking founding fathers. They set forth a whole new way of being, and living, with independence.

A true feeling of independence starts with an energy, a force that fuels and permeates a sagacity of human spirit, a spirit that manifests as personal power, something that is at times forgotten or lost in the chaos of the daily grind. To my way of thinking, this personal sovereignty is a combination of both mindset and sense, a combo that reminds us of whom we are meant to be. Let us begin with some core senses or deeper places of wisdom. Read more about 7 senses that form a healthy state of personal independence.

And, one more about a key ingredient to living in a free mind, body and spirit:

Letting Go is a Four-Letter Word - I’ve come to the conclusion that letting go is one of the hardest things to do in life, proven by the fact that there are literally thousands of books (328,000 in Amazon alone), articles, seminars and schools of thought on the subject of letting go, available to us hangers-on who at times find it nearly impossible to let go. To my way of thinking, letting go is the greatest way we can honor ourselves, and the only way to evolve into the best version of ourselves. Letting go means taking back control over our emotions, thoughts and actions. Because the truth is, the hanging on, the very root of any attachment, is formed in the mind, so the letting go must take place there as well. So, here are some suggestions for changing our thoughts and creating room for a new way of thinking.

"So often times it happens that we live our lives in chains. And we never even know we have the key." ~ from the Eagles

Oh, yes we do have liberty, with the keys to the freedom of our minds, bodies and spirits, and no one can take them away from us. 
