4 Cool Things to Ponder This Weekend
In Alignment - A Life Philosophy

5 Things to Check Out This Weekend

File Sep 01, 5 25 53 PM

Long weekends provide even more time to peruse and ponder new and old things. Here's what's on my radar this week.


Travel inspiration: Fall foliange camden-gettyimages-173987023

In case you needed to be reminded what a spectacularly beautiful country we live in, check out: 

50 Small Towns With the Most Beautiful Fall Foliage

 Which is your favorite? Or do you have one to add to the list?


 Video: Endearing and awesome words of advice for living and aging gracefully... from all ages.



The skimm

Daily Read: It's true our inboxes are bombarded with all kinds of fodder to chew on and our time gets split in a million directions. I love TheSkimm because it's concise daily news bits bring me quickly up to speed. It was created by two 20-something NBC news producers from their living room sofa. Now, it's gone big time. They've definitely hit a pulse.




Grace and frankie

Recent Binge Watch: A friend just booked a role on the next season of the Netflix hit GRACE & FRANKIE. I binged on the 1st season in one weekend! It's so good, the writing crackles and the cast is brilliant! The chemistry between Jane Fonda, Lily Tomlin (nominated for an Emmy), Martin Sheen & Sam Waterston is delicious. Perfect to watch with friends and family. I'll be at my parent's place in Michigan and just might need to watch it again with them.They'll love it!





Favorite Wayne Dyer Quote: As you most likely know, we lost a beloved thought leader this week. I remember how inspired I was years ago after reading his new ideas in "Your Erroneous Zones," and have had my thoughts changed by his words many times since. They always seem to be exactly what I'm supposed to receive at the time. Here's my current favorite quote:  

As I unclutter my life
'Nuf said, Dr. Dyer.

Have an amazing holiday weekend!


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Cindy Yantis is the Thought Changer Blog creator & curator. She is a freelance writer living in Los Angeles. For more info: CindyYantis.com
