5 Ways to Take Stock in '09: From Soup to Nuts
This is a whirlwind time of year when it feels like we can’t cram one more thing into our holiday infused schedules.
There was a story on CBS Sunday Morning this week about the world of nutcrackers, which will be forever associated with Christmas due to the ageless Tchaikovsky classic, The Nutcracker Suite. Nutcrackers used to be placed on the dinner table for the final course of the meal, the nuts. This is where the phrase “from soup to nuts” came from.
It got me thinking about my own soup-to-nuts this year. And, wow what a feast of activity it’s been! When things get to be so busy every year at this time, it’s easy to get lost in the minutiae of the to-do list instead of taking stock and appreciating everything you’ve accomplished in the last 12 months. A dear friend reminded me of this last week as a gentle way of getting me off the fast moving train of plan-plan-plan, do-do-do.
So, in honor of the Winter Solstice, which is today, take some time to take stock in your year, recognizing the soup, the nuts, and all the delicious bits in between.
- How were you recognized for your efforts?
- What kinds of results did you achieve?
- List your happy moments, first what comes to mind immediately and then go back month by month and honor the small joys as well. After doing this one exercise it’s likely you’ll feel like the Grinch whose “heart grew three sizes that day!”
- What new relationships did your forge? What old relationships did you nurture?
- Did you pursue a new path? What did you learn?
As I list my soup to nuts for 2009, I find myself deeply grateful most of all for my relationships, old and dear ones as well as new and expanding ones. My life is richer today than a year ago as a result.
"Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened."
~ Dr. Seuss
May you and yours have a blessed holiday.